Thursday, September 10, 2009

1st week of school

my first week of school was ok. when i first got to the evil place i was worried and relived. worried because things might have changed while i was gone like the people, the teachers and the place itself. relived because "hey i made it through the summer without getting really hurt". I feel that this year is going to go over really well because im aplying myself allot more. last year was kinda bleughh


  1. Good thing you are going to be applying your self in school this year.... congrats on not hurting your self this summer

  2. Hey Ian
    Good that you got your blog up and running. You need to get going though to get caught up. What's going on with assignment 2 and there is stuff missing from your blog before that too.
    You need to get this done before the end of the week as we are on our way into assignment 3 and 4 on Weds!
    Like you say, you need to apply yourself to get the most you can out of this course.
